プロフィール(Profile)169cm, 69kg, Age26
マラサイズ(P size)16.5cm
当日対応(Flexibility)○ OK
(Available Course)
Body treatment, Outcall
絡みタチ(Soft S)〇 NO
絡みウケ(Soft M)〇 NO
バックタチ(Top)✕ NO
バックウケ(Bottom)✕ NO
射精プレイ(Cumshot)○ OK
3Pコース(Threesome)✕ NO
お泊り(Overnight)✕ NO
店長コメント (About boy)
しっかり週4でジム通い!! 元陸上部の重量上げで綺麗に鍛えあげられたアスリートマッチョ体型のダイキが入店!! 色白で全裸姿もめちゃくちゃエロい若者です。アソコの形、色も若々しく活きの良い動きで当店必見のボーイです!! オイルマッサージも経験が有りますのでしっかりと力強い施術をご堪能頂けます。是非、お早めにご予約ください!!

DAIKI who goes to the gym 4 times a week and former track and field member in high school. He has a well-toned athletic muscular body by lifting weights, joins our shop!! He is a fair-skinned true japanese young man whose naked appearance is extremely erotic. The shape and color of his dxxk are youthful and lively active like a horse. This boy is definitely a must-see for our customers! He has experience in testicle and oil massages, so you can enjoy a firm and powerful body treatment in ou shop. Please make your reservation as soon as possible.